Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fat lump on a log

So today was Sunday, and i know its supposed to be a 'day of rest' but i think i took advantage of that. i am serious, the WHOLE day i sat around, ate, and watched movie after movie on TBS and the movies weren't all that good either, they were corny and i kept finding myself spacing out... so i got myself up and danced a little, but that was the extent of my exercise for today. So as the title says, i was a fat lump on a log today!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wow... second week of school. STRESSED

Okay, what the heck happened to quarter one being easy?!?! i am so flippin overloaded with homework and tests to study for, projects due in the upcoming weeks EVERY NIGHT!!
my classes you ask? pretty hard ones, but still...
1. Chem-Flex- not that hard
2. Honors LA- suprisingly HARD!! (so much busy work)
3. Treble Chorale- easy peasy lemon squeezy, i sing.
4. Spanish III- easy
5. Pre-Calc- easy
6. AP world history- not that hard (so far...i hope i didn't jinx myself. KNOCK ON WOOD!)
7. Health- stupidly easy (I could sleep the entire class- i have a 104% already and i have had it for a week!)

So tonight i stayed up until now doing these eight paragraphs due on this stupid book called Haroun written by some guy who was being hunted down my bounty hunters- i could barely pronounce any of the names because they were in like a totally different language. the plot was bearable though. 

ughh... it has been so hard doing my homework without procrastinating because of the stupid olympics- i am like ADDICTED- who knew that watching people jump off of diving boards could be so intense?!!?!?!? who knew PingPong was a flipping sport?!?!?! oh wait... i mean table tennis- sorry, i had the wrong lingo for it. Did you know there were people competing in the sport of Hula Hooping?!?!? hahaha... i think thats funny, come on- who want their career being 'hula hooping'

"what do you do for a living"
"Oh, i'm a lawyer, and you?"
"oh, i hula hoop! :) "

i'm sure they call it something different but hula hooping is hula hooping. Wow i got so off subject... anyway, i am going to bed now- i am super tired!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Post... very random

This is my official first post, although i have been registered since May. i got a little astray from the whole blogging thing. I saw my sister and dad doing it, looked like fun, and now i am tapping away at the keyboard, it'll be a little boring at first, i'm guessing, but then again i am not sure... i can be funny sometimes. I don't know how to do anything on this thing, don't know how to embed images, put little linky things on the side of my favorite blogs, and when i am on other blogs i don't know how to get back to my own stinking blog! its very confusing but i am sure i can rely on taylor to 'show me the ropes'... but then again, with taylor, it depends on what kind of a mood she is in to decide whether or not she is going to help me. Oh, another thing that is going to be wrong with my blog is that i have horrible grammar and spelling, i am more of a math and science person, so don't go to a-wall when i spell the easiest spelling words... wrong. okay, i am done for tonight...